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Initial Training IRIDI START 10

IRIDI START Courses for Researchers and Temporary Researchers.

IRIDI START training pathway reserved for newly hired Female Researchers (ninth and tenth editions)

The University of Turin, in accordance with international instances, promotes the development of teaching and evaluation skills from the first professional entry of Researchers/Researchers.

The purpose of the IRIDI START training pathway is to accompany newly hired Researchers in the reflection and continuous improvement of these skills. It is a path certified by the University of Turin, which contemplates the validation of knowledge and skills developed by the participants, documented at the end of the path by an online badge usable in Italy and abroad. 

The themes of the course are:

  • the teaching strategies to stimulate learning
  • the development of the teaching sheet
  • the design and implementation of an online lesson
  • the use of technology for learning
  • the planning of learning assessment
  • inclusion skills (gender equity, disability, cultural differences)
  • system approach to the quality of university teaching

The trainers-teachers from the University of Turin-will play a role in facilitating the training process.

The course is transformative in nature: starting from the reflection and experience of the participants, the topics in question will be developed in light of the results of international scientific research. Participants will be accompanied in the development of effective teaching skills in university teaching.

The course is structured in training modules of approximately three hours, in face-to-face teaching mode, generally on a fortnightly basis. Practice activities related to the modules are planned.

How to enroll in IRIDI START 9 and 10 pathways.

All fixed-term Researchers/Researchers of type A, B and RTT at the University of Turin can enroll, especially new recruits.

As places are limited (50 for each of the editions), in case of oversubscription, priority will be given to Researchers with greater seniority.

Participation implies access to the entire training course: it is not possible to enroll in individual modules. Attendance of at least 4 modules and completion of at least 3 exercises to be uploaded to the teaching portfolio is mandatory to obtain certification for the pathway.

Registration opens: Friday, December 15, 2023, 09:00am

Close registration: Monday, January 22, 2024, 12:00pm

Application: fill out the online form to register. (REGISTRATION CLOSED)

The next edition of IRIDI START is scheduled for a.y. 2024/2025.

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