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Events and Internal Conferences

The event will take place from Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 8:30 AM to Friday, September 13, 2024 at 12:00 PM.

One year after the passing of Professor Francesco De Bartolomeis, the University of Turin is relaunching the pioneering educator's thought with a conference titled "Creativity, educational system, art. The innovation according to Francesco De Bartolomeis" scheduled for September 12 and 13, 2024, in the Aula Magna of the Cavallerizza (via Verdi, 9).

Scholars from various academic fields will outline the development of De Bartolomeis' pedagogical, artistic and social thought.

During the same days, an exhibition of documents tracing some of the academic milestones of De Bartolomeis' life, curated by the University's Historical Archives, will also be available for viewing.

The event program includes:

September 12:
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 Institutional greetings 
9:30 - 10:00 "De Bartolomeis, his time and his innovations" (Paolo Bianchini)
10:00 - 12:00 Multimedia portrait of De Bartolomeis with readings and audio/visual materials
12:00 - 12:30 Intervention by the Education Department, Castello di Rivoli-Museum of Contemporary Art
14:30 - 18:00 Parallel workshops (at the Rectorate - via Verdi, 8)

(A) Creative Tools: Reason and Emotion The ability to invent reality depends on the “tools” available: humans can rely on a dual creativity (rational and emotional) that must converge towards research, planning, and the implementation of renewal actions that are an investment for everyone. Moderator: Daniela Maccario

  • Arazzi G.: Francesco De Bartolomeis and Gaston Bachelard: a possible dialogue? In search of an unexplored Twentieth Century
  • Bosso D.: Rationality and sentiment as engines of renewal
  • Gastaldi F.: Emotions and creativity in school age: a proposal in the field of educational psychology according to the narratological approach
  • Gozzellino G., Matera F.: Intercultural lab: The laboratory as a creative tool to experiment with social justice and intercultural dialogue
  • Guarcello E.: Aesthetic sensitivity, innovation, and re-enchantment: the value of face representation in the work of Francesco De Bartolomeis
  • Pescarmona I., Ferrero V.: “Wandering” among thoughts. Philosophical dialogue for the intercultural training of future teachers
  • Piva M. C.: “Thinking with hands”: the STEAM approach with Tinkering in primary school
  • Probst P.: CORPOGRAFIE, drawings from prison: bridges between inside and outside

(B) Commitment to Renewal: The Educational System in the Integrated 0-6 System Renewal necessarily involves an educational system designed and implemented as an investment in both the individual and society: the innovation of spaces and activities, methods, and policies must start from early childhood education. Moderator: Paola Zonca

  • Grassi C.: The “School-Territory” relationship in Francesco De Bartolomeis’ seminars in Pisa
  • Greganti P.: Outdoor Education and the renewal of the educational system: Francesco De Bartolomeis’ reflection for the configuration of a model of community educational pacts
  • Marchisio M., Barana A., Fradiate V.: The role of STEAM in education and change in early childhood education
  • Milani L.: Francesco De Bartolomeis: icon of innovation between pedagogical challenges and social imagination
  • Natali S.: New spaces for the 0-6 educational system: legacy and vision of Francesco De Bartolomeis
  • Nunnari M. A.: Commitment to renewal: the educational system in the integrated 0-6 system
  • Valenzano N.: A necessity for school renewal: the school-territory relationship
  • Zamengo F.: “Anti-pedagogical” research for the renewal of early childhood services: a challenge between University and territory

(C) The Power of Representation: Art, Poetry, Cinema Artistic representation interprets reality and invents it by proposing a sense of it. Artistic interpretation and invention have the implicit responsibility of creating meeting points that allow social participation. As such, they have extraordinary educational value. Moderator: Chiara Grizzaffi

  • Chen Li Creativity, educational system, art.
  • Gianneri G. The system of laboratories for image and audiovisual education in Italian schools: practices, drifts, insights.
  • Gifuni A. “On this side of the wall”
  • Liotta E. Learning to see: when art and media generate educational transformation
  • Rosa A., Morandi M. MusicBlocks: when musical composition becomes a game
  • Sabatino A. C. Media education: teaching strategies for a participatory pedagogy of audiovisuals in the era of technological portability
  • Sacchi E. Animation, culture, and politics: the birth of the international youth cinema festival between associations and civil society
  • Talarico M., Repetto M., Camandona F. Like little directors: game design in immersive teaching

Webex Record

September 13: 
9:30 - 10:30 Sharing of parallel workshops (at the Rectorate - via Verdi, 8)
10:30 - 12:00 Imaginary dialogue with Francesco De Bartolomeis (Pierluigi Malavasi, Giacomo Manzoli, Chiara Grizzaffi)
12:00 "De Bartolomeis and cinema" by Steve Della Casa

Webex Record

Goal of the seminar is to train faculty on international mobility opportunities offered by institutional programs, how to initiate and promote new mobility opportunities for students.

It will be delivered on Oct. 16, 2024 from 2 to 4 p.m. Principi d'Acaja room - Rettorato Palace.

A Participation and Certificate Request Form must be filled out.

The trainers are Andrea Carosso (lecturer, united) and Chiara Bastreghi (TA, united)

YouTube event record

One year after its inauguration, the Teaching and Learning Center is pleased to invite the entire university community to the event "TLC Supports Educational Innovation: Interconnections and Networks."

The event will take place on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 9:00 AM in the Aula Magna of the Cavallerizza Reale.

After a welcome coffee, the day will continue with the sharing of the Center's activities and the launch of the Call 2024, which will be held in November.

The event recording is now viewable through this link.

Participation is free with registration.

For the program, please refer to the poster below.

On May 27, starting at 11:00 AM, the Teaching and Learning Center UniTo is organizing an informative seminar on the topic of "Peer Mentoring," during which its characteristics and effects will be described.

Given the need for updating and professional development of the University's teaching staff, the seminar will present an experimental project titled PEER MENTORING FOR INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE IN LEARNING AND TEACHING, which will be launched in the next academic year under the scientific supervision of Professor Ettore Felisatti from the University of Padua and the ASDUNI Association.

The seminar is open to the entire university community.

The event will take place in room F4 of the Luigi Einaudi Campus. The meeting will also be live-streamed on Webex at the following link:

Registration is required via Google form

A certificate of attendance will be provided.

The Teaching and Learning Center UniTo presents a series of meetings open to the entire university community, aimed at fostering reflection, discussion, and sharing on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, its potential in the academic field, and possible critical issues, starting from the experiences already initiated at our University. It is divided into three thematic modules.

  • The first module analyzes the context in which AI usage experiences can be embedded, providing guidelines for the conscious and ethical use of AI in universities and practical usage indications; 
  • the second module aims to present some institutional AI training activities in the humanities and scientific fields; 
  • the third module involves sharing AI usage experiences within the University.

All meetings will be live-streamed on Webex at the following link: Recordings of the sessions will be available asynchronously on the dedicated Moodle page. For technical/administrative staff, the event is recognized as a training activity that can be carried out during working hours (see the Intranet page for attendance certification for training courses). At the end of the event, it is necessary to follow the instructions available on the Intranet page dedicated to external training and complete the Form 2024 for updating the training curriculum in U-Gov. To request a certificate of attendance for individual meetings, participants must attend at least 80% and complete the form.


  1. Module 1 - "Impact and Ethics of AI: Technology and Interdisciplinary Connection"

February 26, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM 

  • Barbara Bruschi, Vice Rector for Teaching, UniTo , 
    • "Reflections on the ethical and conscious use of AI: presentation of the University of Turin's Guidelines
  • Guido Boella, Vice Rector for Corporate Relations and Co-founder of the Italian Society for AI Ethics (SIpEIA), 
    • "The impact of generative artificial intelligence
  • Moderator: Andrea Balbo, President of the CCS in Language Technologies and Digital Humanities and Director of CIRDA

March 4, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM 

  • Cristina Baroglio, Department of Computer Science 
    • "Introduction to artificial intelligence" 
  • Angelo Saccà, Director of the Information Systems, Portal, E-learning Directorate 
    • "AI: Tools and services at the University" 
  • Martina Pecoraro and Francesca Franco, University Data Protection Staff 
    • "Data protection profiles for the use of AI in teaching" 
  • Moderator: Marina Marchisio Conte, Rector's Delegate for the development and promotion of the University's Digital Education strategies

March 14, 2024, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM 


  1. Module 2 - “AI in Teaching: Institutional Experiences”

March 25, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM - Online Meeting 

  • Andrea Balbo, President of the CCS in Language Technologies and Digital Humanities and Director of CIRDA 
    • "Open AI and teaching of classical disciplines: development fields, limits, and experiences" 
  • Marina Marchisio Conte, Rector's Delegate for the development and promotion of the University's Digital Education strategies 
    • "The Digital Education Hub"

April 9, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM - Online Meeting 

  • Paola Borgna and Renato Grimaldi (Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences) 
    • "AI and CHATGPT in the Gallino Laboratory" 
  • Cristian Fiori (Department of Oncology), Marco Grangetto (Department of Computer Science) 
    • "AI for medicine and health: the challenges of machine learning and the new master's degree in Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare" 

Moderator: Walter Dambrosio, Deputy Director of the Teaching and Learning Center UniTo

  1. Module 3 - “AI in Teaching: Usage Experiences and Experiments”

This module involves sharing AI usage experiences in teaching at the University. The meetings will take place in the form of dialogue and debate, starting from brief presentations by two or more speakers (faculty, T/A staff, students).

Monday, May 6, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Online Meeting 

  • Lorenzo Castellino, and Eugenio Alladio (Department of Chemistry) 
    • "Open-source software and dashboards for ML and AI in chemical education" 
  • Laura Lasagna (Department of Law) and Jessica Comba (Department of Cultures, Politics, and Society) 
    • "Using AI in English language teaching for dyslexic students" 
  • Ivan Molineris (DBIOS), Leonardo Agasso (DBIOS), and Beatrice Albanesi (DSSPP) 
    • "AI in teaching experiences: student interview reports and experimentation proposals"

Monday, May 20, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Online Meeting 

  • Gabriella Taddeo and Nicolò Pilon (Department of Humanities) 
    • "Distant Worlds: from imagination to AI. The use of AI as an ethnographic laboratory" 
  • Adriano Ceccarelli (Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences) 
    • "Bringing AI into the classroom: planning criteria for activities, assessments, and evaluations" 
  • Alberto Gianola (Department of Management) 
    • "Smart Professor"

Monday, June 3, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Online Meeting 

  • Alessandra Molino (Department of Foreign Languages and Modern Cultures), Lucia Cinato (Department of Foreign Languages and Modern Cultures), Marita Mattioda (Department of Foreign Languages and Modern Cultures), Ilaria Cennamo (Department of Economic-Social and Mathematical-Statistical Sciences) 
    • "Artificial intelligence for translation: towards a new teaching design" 
  • Floriana Vindigni and Tina Lasala (Information Systems Directorate, UniTo) 
    • "Generative image artificial intelligence: the copyright problem"
  • Stefania Stafutti (Department of Humanities)
    • "Artificial intelligence in teaching Chinese language and literature"

Monday, June 10, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Online Meeting

  • Stefania Cazzoli (SUISM)
    • "Use of AI-ChatGPT in Sports and Exercise Sciences – Curricular Physical Education. Didactic tool to support the training path of students/teachers in initial training of curricular Physical Education (generalists and specialists) towards evidence-based practice"
  • Stefano Pinardi (Department of Foreign Languages and Modern Cultures) and Rosa MEO (Department of Computer Science) 
    • "AI and Large Language Models, challenges and risks?"

On May 13, the Interdepartmental Research Center for Service-Learning (CIRcLe) of the University of Turin is organizing an international seminar on the topic: "Learning and Solidarity: The Perspective of Students."

This is the third event on service-learning, and the first organized as the Interdepartmental Research Center (CIRcLe) in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning Center. The seminar will be held in person at Aula S1 - Aldo Moro Complex - from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM and will feature students from six Italian universities who will share their service-learning experiences.

Online participation is also available via this link

The Teaching and Learning Center UniTo is organizing a seminar on the theme "Student Voice: Students as Agents of Change for the Future of the University," open to the entire university community.

The event will take place at the Sala Lauree Terracini of Palazzo Nuovo on March 18 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Participation is free of charge. A certificate of attendance will be provided. For technical/administrative staff, the event is recognized as a training activity that can be carried out during working hours (see the Intranet page for attendance certification for training courses). At the end of the event, it is necessary to follow the instructions available on the Intranet page dedicated to external training and complete the Form 2024 for updating the training curriculum in U-Gov.

Morning session registration: 

Afternoon session registration:

The "Embrace the Future: Unleash Innovation in the Classroom" Call aims to encourage the entire University Community to promote educational innovation at various levels.

The event related to the Call will take place on November 9 and 10.

November 9, 2023, Aula 3, Palazzo Nuovo

  • 08:30 Participant welcome
  • 09:00 Institutional greetings
  • 10:00 Group activities begin with the support of the TLC Board of Directors
  • 18:00 End of activities and project submission

November 10, 2023, Cavallerizza Reale

  • 16:00 Poster session with the presented proposals
  • 17:00 Award ceremony in the presence of the Rector
  • Followed by an aperitif

All materials related to the Call are available on the dedicated Moodle course.

On June 19, the presentation event for UniTo's Teaching and Learning Center was held.

The event recording is available in the on-demand section of UniTo Media.

The meeting was an opportunity to launch a Call for educational innovation, open to the entire UniTo community, which will be an important opportunity to initiate new projects or continue existing ones.

Last update: 24/01/2025