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Initial Training IRIDI START

Courses for Fixed-Term Researchers

The University of Turin, in line with international standards, promotes the development of teaching and assessment skills from the very beginning of researchers' professional careers.

The purpose of the IRIDI START training program is to support newly hired researchers in reflecting on and continuously improving these skills. It is a certified program by the University of Turin, which includes the validation of the knowledge and skills developed by the participants, documented at the end of the program by an online badge that can be used in Italy and abroad.

The themes of the program are:

  • Teaching strategies to stimulate learning
  • Developing the teaching plan
  • Planning the assessment of learning
  • Inclusion skills (gender equity, disabilities, cultural differences)
  • System approach to the quality of university teaching

The proposed program will also emphasize the use of learning technologies, as a transversal skill necessary for effective teaching in line with current educational needs. The trainers – professors from the University of Turin – will facilitate the training process.

The program is transformative: starting from the reflection and experience of the participants, the themes are developed in light of the results of international scientific research. Participants will be guided in developing effective teaching skills for university education.

All fixed-term Researchers of type A, B, and RTT at the University of Turin, especially newly hired ones, can register.

Since the spots are limited (50 per edition), priority will be given to Researchers with greater seniority in case of excess registrations.

  • Registration opens: Monday, March 10, 2025, at 12:00 PM 
  • Registration closes: Monday, March 24, 2025, at 12:00 PM 
  • Application: fill out the online form to register.


Activity TitleTeacherDateRoom
IntroductionProf. Emanuela Torre, Teaching and Learning CenterFriday, April 11, 2025; 09:30 - 10:00Room 15, Palazzo Nuovo, via Sant’Ottavio 20 – Turin
Teaching at University for Quality LearningProf. Paola Ricchiardi, Department of Philosophy and Education SciencesFriday, April 11, 2025; 10:00 - 13:00
Creating the Teaching Plan: From Process to ContentProf. Rosangela Odore, Department of Veterinary SciencesFriday, April 11, 2025; 14:00-17:00
Designing the Evaluation PlanProf. Daniela Robasto, Department of Philosophy and Education SciencesFriday, May 9, 2025; 10:00-13:00Blue Room, Rectorate, Via Po 17 - Turin
Teaching for Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders: Guidelines and Operational TipsProf. Cecilia M. Marchisio, Rector's Delegate for the Inclusion of Students with DisabilitiesFriday, May 9, 2025; 14:00-16:00
Teaching for Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders: Guidelines and Operational TipsProf. Carla Tinti, Rector's Delegate for the Inclusion of Students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)Friday, May 30, 2025; 10:00-11:30Blue Room, Rectorate, Via Po 17 - Turin
Gender Equity, Inclusion, and Combating Discrimination: University Policies and Practices. The Functions of the Single Guarantee Committee and the Trust AdvisorProf. Mia Caielli, President of the Single Guarantee Committee of UniToFriday, May 30, 2025; 11:30-13:00
System Approach to the Quality of University Teaching

Prof. Isabelle Perroteau, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences

Prof. Francesca Tiziana Cannizzo, Department of Veterinary Sciences

Friday, May 30, 2025; 14:00-16:00
Students with Non-Italian Citizenship: Beyond StereotypesProf. Roberta Ricucci, Department of Cultures, Politics, and SocietyFriday, June 13, 2025; 09:00-10:30
Blue Room, Rectorate, Via Po 17 - Turin
Teaching Inside and Outside the Classroom, MENTORS
Final meeting dedicated to discussing how to apply elements that emerged in the first three modules. Presentation of the Peer Mentoring project.
 Friday, June 13, 2025; 10:30-13:30

The program is structured in training modules of approximately three hours, conducted in-person. There are practical activities connected to the modules.

The first day of class is Friday, April 11, 2025, from 09:30-13:00/14:00-17:00 in Room 15, Palazzo Nuovo, via Sant’Ottavio 20 – Turin.

Participation requires access to the entire training program: it is not possible to enroll in individual modules. To obtain certification for the program, attendance of at least 70% of the class hours and the completion of the exercises to be uploaded to the teaching portfolio are mandatory.

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Following further updates

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