This is a professional development and training course aimed at pedagogists and educators.
Pedagogical supervision is a field that has developed more recently than supervision in social work and psychology. However, it is a fundamental practice to support educators in critically reflecting on their work and to offer tools for professional growth, through the sharing of practices and the development of new methodologies, necessary to cope with the complexity of educational work. The educational professions also need qualified and appropriate support to reinforce their identity, fragmented by the diverse training and wide range of skills included in the professional family, while also enhancing their social relevance.
The course offers a reflection on the different models of supervision proposed over time, an analysis of the objects of pedagogical supervision (i.e., educational competence in its various dimensions: relationship, design, evaluation), methods and tools.
50 places are available. The application for admission to the course should be submitted online in the restricted area of the website by accessing the menu “Enrollment-->Pre-enrollment of programmed access courses” from 16/12/2024 09:30 a.m. to 15/01/2025 3:00 p.m.
In case of exceeding the number of available places, a comparative evaluation of CVs will be carried out.
Those admitted to the course, will be able to proceed with registration from 31/01/2025 09:30 a.m. to 07/02/2025 3 p.m.
180€ to be paid at registration, plus 16€ state stamp duty paid virtually and 1.5€ SIAE registration fee.
The opening of the course will be February 27. It is scheduled to end in June 2025.
Schedule and more details will be published soon.
Attendance is required for 75 percent of the classes, which will be delivered in person in Turin.
Foundations of pedagogical supervision | Fabio Olivieri | M-PED/01 | 0,5 |
Objects of pedagogical supervision: educational relationship and reflexivity | Federico Zamengo | M-PED/01 | 0,5 |
Objects of supervision: contexts (internship) | Angelica Arace | M-PSI/04 | 0,5 |
Objects of pedagogical supervision: from need analysis to evaluation | Paola Ricchiardi Emanuela Torre | M-PED/04 | 0,5 |
Methods and techniques: conducting groups | Barbara Martini | M-PSI/05 | 0,5 |
Methods and techniques: conducting the interview | Federica Emanuel | M-PED/04 | 0,5 |
Methods and techniques: significant event analysis | Diego Di Masi | M-PED/03 | 0,5 |
Methods and techniques: innovation in supervision | Daniela Finco | M-PED/04 | 0,5 |
Methods and techniques: simulations | Diego Di Masi | M-PED/03 | 0,5 |
Methods and techniques: internship supervision | Natascia Curto | M-PED/03 | 0,5 |
Search strategies | Paola Ricchiardi Emanuela Torre | M-PED/04 | 1 |
Total | 6 |
I materiali del corso e le slides saranno caricate sulla pagina e-learning Moodle del corso:
La chiave di iscrizione è stata comunicata via mail agli/alle immatricolati/e.
The final examination consists of a project work to be carried out as a group.
An Open Badge will be awarded to each participant at the end of the course.
Teacher | Membership structure | Role | SSD |
Paola Ricchiardi | Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences | Associated Teacher | M-PED/04 |
Emanuela M.T. Torre | Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences | Associated Teacher | M-PED/04 |
Diego Di Masi | Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences | Associated Teacher | M-PED/03 |
Paola Ricchiardi | Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences | Associated Teacher | M-PED/04 |
Phone: 0116802580 (Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-12pm, Tue, Thu 2pm-4pm)